Content Objects

Content objects are the main way tenants store and retrieve data, globally referenced by (TenantId, ConqId). They are created by storing data in a node, who calls CommitVersion with a digest of the data. Once the verison is commited, other nodes in the space can retrieve the content object. Once a sufficient number of nodes retrieve copies of the content object1, the original authoring node submits a ConfirmVersion which marks the commit as finalized. Each content object also has a 'head' version which refers to the version that should be retrieved when a content object is referred to by its ID.

In order to prevent nodes from creating arbitrary versions without permission of tenants, a tenant-signed version commit message (VersionCommitMessage) must be provided in the CommitVersion call.

  VersionCommitMessage {
    originator: ProviderId,
    tenant_id: TenantId,
    content_object_id: ContentObjectId,
    version_id: VersionId,
    tlp_size: #[compact] u64,
    ts: u64,
    set_head_on_finalize: bool,
    kms_id: KMSId,

Content Object Lifecycle

flowchart TB 
  dc(Draft Created)
  md(Modify Draft)
  df(Draft Finalized)
  cv(Version Commited)
  vp(Version Publishing)
  vf(Version Finalized)

  dc -->|tenant user creates draft on node| md
  md --->|tenant user modifies draft| md
  md -->|tenant user finalizes draft| df
  df -->|node calls CommitVersion| cv
  cv -->|node starts publishing parts to other fabric nodes| vp
  vp -->|parts receieved other nodes, node calls FinalizeVersion| vf

Content Types

TODO: Discuss

Content Object Blockchain Storage

(TenantId, ContentObjectId) -> {
  head_version: Option<VersionId>,
  version_count: u32,
(TenantId, ContentObjectId, VersionId) -> {
  originator: ProviderId,
  tlp_size: #[compact] u64,
  ts_committed: u64,
  ts_finalized: Option<u64>,
  set_head_on_finalize: bool,
  kms_id: KMSId

Content Object Blockchain Calls

  • CreateContentObject(origin: Origin, ten: TenantId, cobj: ContentObjectId)

    • Checks that origin has at least CONTENT permissions in ten
    • Stores the content object at (ten, cobj)
          head_version: None,
          version_count: 0,
  • CommitVersion(origin: Origin, tenant_signer: AccountId, vcm: VersionCommitMessage, vcm_sig: Signature)

    • Checks that origin has NODE level permission within vcm.provider_id
    • Checks that tenant_signer has CONTENT level permission within vcm.tenant_id
    • Checks that vcm_sig is a valid signature of the scale encoded vcm by tenant_signer
    • Increment version_count at (vcm.tenant_id, vcm.content_object_id)
    • Stores the version at (vcm.tenant_id, vcm.content_object_id, vcm.version_id)
          originator: vcm.originator,
          tlp_size: vcm.tlp_size,
          ts_committed: vcm.ts,
          ts_finalized: None,
          set_head_on_finalize: vcm.set_head_on_finalize,
          kms_id: vcm.kms_id,
  • FinalizeVersion(origin: Origin, provider: ProviderId, ten: TenantId, cobj: ContentObjectId, ver: CObjVersionId, ts: u64)

    • Checks that origin has at least node level within provider.
    • Retrieve the version metadata, ver_meta, stored at (ten, cobj, ver)
    • Checks that provider matches the ver_meta.originator
    • Checks that ts is a recent timestamp
    • Sets ver_meta.ts_finalized = Some(ts)
    • If ver_meta.set_head_on_finalize, sets the head_version of the content object at (ten, cobj) to ver
  • SetHeadVersion(origin: Origin, ten: TenantId, cobj: ContentObjectId, ver: Option<VersionId>)

    • Checks that origin has CONTENT level permissions within ten
    • Checks that (ten, cobj, ver) exists
    • Sets the head_version at (ten, cobj) to ver
  • DeleteVersion(origin: Origin, ten: TenantId, cobj: ContentObjectId, ver: VersionId)

    • Checks that origin has CONTENT level permissions within ten
    • Checks that (ten, cobj, ver) exists
    • Checks that head_version at (ten, cobj) is not ver
    • Deletes the version stored at (ten, cobj, ver)
    • Decrements version_count at (ten, cobj)
  • DeleteContentObject(origin: Origin, ten: TenantId, cobj: ContentObjId)

    • Checks that origin has CONTENT level permissions within ten
    • Checks that version_count is 0
    • Deletes the content object at (ten, cobj)

1 TODO: Should also talk about partitioning and how we assert data is replicated