
The space functions as the top level governance structure of the fabric that orchestrates how providers cooperate to serve tenant data. It is responsible for

  • Creating providers
  • Creating tenants
  • Defining rules of the space which tenants/providers agree to abide by
  • Reserving slashable bonds for both providers and tenants
  • Governance, including
    • Admitting new tenants/providers
    • Removing misbehaving tenants/providers
    • Slashing tenants/providers
    • Changing rules

Space rules

  • Provider Bond: An amount, PROVIDER_BOND, of currency each provider must lock up in order to participate within the space. Funds can be slashed from here if a provider misbehaves.
  • Tenant Bond: An amount, TENANT_BOND, of currency each tenant must lock up in order to participate within the space. Funds can be slashed from here if a tenant misbehaves.
  • SLAs: Specifications for availability requirements provider nodes must have.
  • Partition Number: The partitioning constant for part storage %TODO: @Serban expand